Front End
Able to utilize HTML, SASS/CSS, and JavaScript to make dynamic, responsive, and beautifully designed webpages and full featured web applications.
Back End
Using node.js I am able to write effective code that successfully creates responsive backends that connect to the frontend and the database to help bring users a smooth web application experience.
Being well versed in SQL and NoSQL I am able to design database implementations, structure proper model relationships and use effective queries for retrieving data.
Digital marketing
The promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication.
Graphic Design
Knowledge in photo editing, typography, layers, print, and design in Adobe photoshop and XD.
About Me
I'm Robert Haye and I am a USMC Veteran
Technology is a subject matter I am very passionate about, and there is nothing
I appreciate more than learning about new technological advancements. Since my
adolescent days growing up in Saint Mary, Jamaica I have had a keen interest in
any subject matter related to technology, problem solving, and art.
My early interests led to my full transition to pursuing the technical field to
gain in-depth knowledge in different aspects of Information Technology. I aspire
to continuously sharpen my expertise in the frontend, backend, database, and
cloud development. Efficiency is really important to me, and I am constantly
looking for new and more efficient ways to achieve my goals.
Along with my knowledge in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
and Java I
also have extensive experience in leadership and business processes. During my
over 5 years of military service I have served in various leadership roles
me the ability to work as a team leader or team member in both a relaxed or
stressful work environment.
Language: English
B.A. Business Administration, 2020
Master of Business Administration, 2022
B.S. Web and Mobile Computing, present
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Phone Number: +385 98 9049 913
Freelance: Available
My Work
My last Projects:

Jammin' Cuisine
Newsletter web application built with HTML, CSS, and node.js utilizing the mailchimp API for hosting.
My Blog
Created for Web and Mobile II at RIT Croatia. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Leaflet Map
Visit Site GitHub
Personal Blog
Personal blog website built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, node.js, ejs, and mongoDB.
Island App
Jamaican clothing webiste built with HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript,TypeScript react.js, redux, and firebase.
Visit Site GitHub
Opulent Cars
Luxury car dealership website. Built with HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript
Built with React, TypeScript, Node.js, GraphQL, Apollo-server-express, TypeGraphQL, MongoDB
Visit Site GitHub